- During fetal growth- Gas exchange is very limited in a immature lung of a Kangaroo Rat.
- At 17 to 23 days, the Patrick's lungs contain the chemicals osmium tetroxide and glutaraldehyde mixture and their volume determined.
- After day 21- the whole prospective gas exchange region has developed in the lungs.
- Day 21-The lungs now contain the elements of the airway tree and vascular system.
- Day 21- With finalization of septal restructuring at around lung structure is considered complete
- After 3 weeks of living - The alveolarization of the lung is achieved during the first 3 weeks of life.
Cells of a Rat's developing alveoli.
- During fetal growth- Gas exchange is very limited in a immature lung of a Kangaroo Rat.
- After being born- Kangaroo Rats have a lung capacity of 10 ml. If cells do not go through mitosis properly, it could lead to a decrease in lung function and capacity.
- Patrick is very volnerable to lung injury during him early stages of life.
- During lung expansion the Kangaroo Rat's lungs contain little collagen or elastin, they have small volumes and low elastic recoil.
Baby Patrick =)
http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Rat_Timeline#Day_19-22 \http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1443666
So interesting. Thanks for the info!!!